Focus on Youth
What is Focus on Youth?
This is a non-competitive festival featuring visual arts and performing arts by students of the Creston Valley. All concerts are held in the Kootenay River Secondary School Theatre.
School classes perform a variety of genres, local students give performances in piano, strings, vocal, guitar, and other instruments, as well as dance, gymnastics, drama, choral speech, and even juggling.
Focus on Youth Info
There are 14 concerts (usually) in the week, Monday to Friday. Students are encouraged to present one number -- they may also enter another number if it is a different instrument or a different group. (e.g., a piano student may enter a piano solo and a piano duet).
1. All competitions are for amateurs only. The term amateur shall mean "one whose principal livelihood is not derived from musical, theatre, or dance services". This condition does not apply to those bona fide students of the performing arts who teach for the purpose of applying the money so earned for furtherance of their education, and does not preclude occasional remuneration received for services rendered in the arts.
2. Age: All pre-school, elementary school, and high school students are eligible.
3. Each competitor may have only one entry in each division: Piano/Vocal/Dance/Speech Arts/Violin/Guitar/Band instrument or other performing art. However, any performer may be part of a group as well as one solo performance in the same division.
4. A performing group is eligible for one entry of no more than 10 minutes.
Simply fill out the form online, and all of its required fields.
This will help the committee determine how to schedule the concerts. If a field does not apply to you, simply fill in “n/a”. It is important for all individual/group/dance performers to list their school class and teacher, to avoid performance or costuming conflicts within the same concert.
School groups have their rehearsals in the week prior to the concerts.
The concert coordinator will book these rehearsal times in co-ordination with the schools. Other performers, individual and group, have a rehearsal day before the concert week.
Props / amps / other equipment: should arrive back stage 30 minutes before start time.
Soundtracks: please provide a thumb drive which can be left with the technician, to be loaded into the computer. The preferred format is MP3.
Performers: should arrive in costume, 15 minutes before start time. If you need to change backstage, please arrive 30 minutes ahead of time.
Reserved seats: in the front rows are for solo/group performers and their teachers.
Please go backstage: one number before you perform. Do not walk to the back during a performance, wait for applause.
Bows: be sure to walk to the designated spot to take your bow; piano players should walk to the end of the piano bench, turn to the audience and bow, before sitting on the bench.
Check your: microphone height, piano bench height, etc., to make sure things are comfortable for you. If there is a problem, ask the stage crew to help you make the adjustments.
Photography - Please take a photo of your class rehearsing and send it to Laura From.*
*Please note: These photos may be used on our Focus on Youth Gallery page on this website for sharing and marketing purposes.
Private Student Registration
School Class
Focus on Youth: Photo Gallery
Focus on Youth: Art Show
The Art Show week will run for 4 out of the 5 day concert week every May.
The Creston Room at the Creston and District Community Complex.
Please note that: painter’s tape is the only thing we can use on the walls.
Banners are effective and easy to hang.
Make sure that any heavy artwork on banners is stapled on so it doesn't fall off.
Brenda Brucker will have dowelling and string available to hang the banners.
Banners should not be longer than 9 feet.
Tables will also be provided, try to make a creative display.
The Quilters curtains will be hung and artwork can be pinned to those. Brenda Brucker will have pins and clips.
The Arts Council will provide grids for individual pieces of art.