Festival of the Arts: Syllabi
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Festival of the Arts: General 2025 Syllabus
The Creston Festival of the Arts operates under the auspices of the Creston Valley Music Teachers’ Association (CVMTA).
The primary objective is to encourage and promote musical education and advance public understanding and appreciation of the performing arts as a beneficial aspect of community life.
ENTRY DEADLINE: February 15, 2024 **
Register online at cvmta.ca/programs#festival-of-the-arts
Note: when entering duet, ensemble, group, etc., please use ONE entry form per selection. The fee is for the group, NOT per person.
Make cheques payable to the Creston Festival of the Arts, if paying in person and deliver to 1511 Scott Street, Creston BC V0B 1G5 or e-transfer to the email address: crestonfota@gmail.com
Festival Chair: Laura From
Treasurer/Registrar: Laura From
Secretary: VACANT
Adjudicator Liaison: Caroline Martin
CVMTA Liaison: Danielle Sonntag
Publicity/Marketing: Hannah Greentree
Fundraising: Monte Anderson
Grants: Emma Penner & Laura From
Adjudicator’s Assistants: Margaret Lavender
Stars of the Festival Concert: Whole committee, as above.
Creston Festival of the Arts 2025 General Syllabus
Competitions are produced under the general management of the Festival of the Arts committee. Any questions not dealt with in these rules shall be submitted, in writing, to the committee. The decision of the committee is final.
Violation of General Rules may result in disciplinary action. All matters of disciplinary action will be taken under advisement by the Festival Committee under Robert’s Rules of Order, Article 60.
The Festival Committee reserves the right to cancel a discipline if it does not meet the minimum of 30 entries.
Closing date for all entries is February 15, 2025. No late entries are accepted.
After the closing date all entries must participate as entered or withdraw. Incomplete or incorrect entries will not be accepted. Titles of primary selections may be submitted later, deadline February 15.
Age is taken as of December 31 prior to the festival.
A Participant may enter a class as often as desired. To play 3 piano solo selections, enter the piano solo class 3 times.
A Participant may enter a selection only once in this Festival.
A participant may not use the same repertoire he or she has used in a previous Creston Festival of the Arts unless other movements or sections have been added to complete the work.
Ensemble entries must enter at the the age level of the eldest member of the group. This does not pertain to the accompanist.
Entry form must specify length of time of selections.
Complete information about the pieces should be included on the entry form. For example: Bach Invention — number, key and whether two or three-part. Bach Prelude and Fugue – W.T.C. book number, and number and key within the book. Sonata or Sonatina – movement and tempo marking, opus number, key and composer (Koechel number where applicable).
A Participant will be expected to perform the selection indicated on the entry form. No substitutions, additions, or deletions in music selected will be permitted after closing date.
Any entries being performed in a church must be sensitive to the views held by that church.
The Festival Committee reserves the right to change the order of the classes. Participants will be notified.
As a courtesy, please notify the Registrar of any withdrawals.
If a Participant is unable to participate due to medical reasons, any fees in excess of $20 may be refunded. A request for a refund, along with a doctor’s note, must be submitted to the Registrar.
Each competitor must submit an original copy/score/script of the music or performance selections to the adjudicator’s secretary, prior to the class in which he/she is to perform. As an aid to the music adjudicators, competitors must number the first bar of each line in their score.
All copyrights regarding music and printed text must be observed. Photocopies or manual copies of copyrighted material will not be accepted. Note: in music classes, the accompanist must perform from an original score and the adjudicator must be given a complete original score of music under copyright. If original scores are not available, a letter is required from the publisher giving permission for copying. If the selection is generally considered to be in the public domain, a letter confirming this fact is required from the publisher along with permission to copy. Photocopies to facilitate page turns are not allowed without specific permission from the publisher.
Competition venues and pianos may not be used for rehearsal during the Festival. Arrangements may be made to locate practice pianos or warm-up rooms by request of out-of-town entries.
Participants should be in festival venue not less than 15 minutes before the start of the class entered. Candidates will be disqualified if not present when called upon to perform.
Vocal performers are expected to announce their selections; instrumentalists are encouraged to do so.
Stage deportment may be considered by the adjudicator as part of the overall evaluation.
Knowledge of stage decorum, suitable dress and courtesy to fellow performers are all part of the Festival experience. Teachers and parents are urged to encourage contestants to become acquainted with this knowledge.
Participants are expected to be present for the entire class.
Participants are to wait for the adjudicator’s signal before beginning each piece or between movements.
In order to increase the benefits of the Festival experience, a participant should have some background knowledge of his/her selections, such as the musical period, style, composer and any other pertinent information.
Competitors, teachers, coaches and parents may not communicate with the adjudicator regarding competitors/performances prior to, or during the competition.
No cameras, video cameras, or audio recorders will be allowed in the performance hall during adjudicated classes. Cell phones must be turned off within the performance venue. During performances, the audience is requested to remain in their seats and refrain from talking.
No participant or spectator will be permitted to enter or leave the hall while a performance is in session.
Absolutely no pre-school children, except those directly involved with an entry, will be allowed in the hall during performances.
Original compositions must be written on manuscript paper in BLACK INK, or be computer-generated.
Each entry is assumed to be the original work of the individual whose name appears on the entry form attached to the manuscript as well as on the manuscript itself. Any infraction of this regulation will result in nullification of the entry.
The composer will retain all rights to the composition. Each participant will be expected to perform his or her composition in the festival or to arrange to have it performed.
All composers will receive recognition for their work.
The Highlights Concert shall consist of the performers and selections chosen by the adjudicators.
The adjudicators’ choice of award winners will be announced at the Highlights Concert. The award winners do not necessarily perform at the concert. The Adjudicator’s recommendations of candidates to attend the Provincial Festival will be announced at the Concert.
All participants should be prepared to perform at the Highlights Concert if chosen by the adjudicator
Appropriate concert attire is expected for the concert.
Any individual or group asked to perform at the Highlights Concert must be prepared to attend the entire concert or decline to perform, with the exception of young children’s groups where an appropriate intermission will be provided for ease of exit.
The discreet use of cameras, video cameras and tape records is permitted during the Highlights Concert.
The Creston Festival of the Arts is a “markless” festival in that marks are not announced. Each participant receives a participation certificate and an adjudication form for each class entered. All award recipients are chosen by the adjudicator for that division.
Participants may enter as few or as many classes as they choose. You must perform two SOLO selections to qualify for a solo award. For purposes of awards, the Recital Class and Concert Class each count as two qualifying entries. Fiddle set counts as one qualifying entry. Playing in an ensemble will qualify for an ensemble award.
Memorization: it has been determined that, since our festival is so early in the year, memorization is not required to win an award.
The Adjudicator’s Choice award is the opportunity for the adjudicator to recognize a performance which demonstrates particular musical merit that deserves recognition but may or may not meet the above awards criteria. There is no requirement to enter more than one class.
Competitors who receive the Best Overall award in their division shall not receive any other awards in the same division.
The Festival Committee reserves the right to withhold any award in any year if, in the opinion of the adjudicator, a suitable standard has not been attained.
The adjudicator’s decision in all matters of adjudication, including the choice of award recipients, is final.
Any student who is chosen to perform in the highlights concert, but has not been listed for an award, will receive a concert performer recognition certificate & honorarium.
Each discipline has awards for the following categories:
Primary (9 and under)
Junior (10 - 12)
Intermediate (13 - 14)
Senior (15 - 19)
Adult (20 and over)
Adjudicator’s choice
Best Overall Solo
Complaints not having to do with an adjudicator’s decision must use an official protest form (available at all sessions) stating the nature of the complaint. This must be mailed to the Festival Secretary no later than one week after said incident.
The adjudicator’s decision in all matters of adjudication is final. Complaints, protests, or representations must be made in writing and directed to the Festival of the Arts committee together with a protest fee of $10, immediately after the class or action in question, and before the day of the Highlights Concert. If the protest is upheld, the fee will be refunded. The decision of the Festival committee with respect to complaints and/or protests is final. Protests will NOT be received after awards are made.
Festival of the Arts: 2025 Piano Syllabus
PIANO Syllabus
Please refer to the General Rules for additional information.
Supplementary Rules:
Unless specified otherwise, one piece, own choice applies.
Participants must supply an ORIGINAL copy of their music. NO PHOTOCOPIES will be allowed.
It is understood that the adjudicator is a specialist for piano.
For purposes of awards, the Recital Class and Concert Class each count as two qualifying entries. Solo and ensemble classes each count as one qualifying entry.*
*Note: You must perform TWO SOLO selections to qualify for a SOLO award. Playing in an ensemble will qualify for an ENSEMBLE award. Two-Piano classes are not offered.
Use original music, no photocopies allowed. If you need to play with your music, provide a second published copy for the adjudicator.
Primary: ages 9 and under
$12.00 per solo entry (1 or 2 selections)
$12.00 per ensemble selection
$24.00 for a concert class
Junior: ages 10 - 12
$12.00 per solo entry
$12.00 per ensemble selection
$18.00 for a recital class
$24.00 for a concert class
Intermediate: Ages 13 & 14
$15.00 per solo entry
$15.00 per ensemble selection
$22.50 for a recital class
$35.00 for a concert class
Senior: Ages 15 - 19
$20.00 per solo entry
$20.00 per ensemble selection
$30.00 for a recital class
$40.00 for a concert class
Adult: Ages 20 and over
$20.00 per solo entry
$20.00 per ensemble entry
$30.00 for a recital class
$40.00 for a concert class
SOLO CLASSES: You may enter a class as often as you wish, but each piece must be entered separately except for the Recital Class (2 selections) and Concert Class (3 selections).
Class: PRIMARY - Ages 9 & under
PS-101 Beginners piano solo (one or two selections)
PS-101A Beginners accompanied by adult (one or two selections)
PS-102 Preparatory A (one or two selections)
PS-102A Preparatory A accompanied by adult (one or two selections)PS-103 Preparatory B (one or two selections)
PS-103A Preparatory B accompanied by adult (one or two selections)
PS-104 Grade 1 or higher
PS-105 Performer’s Choice (any selection that does not fit above categories)
PC-107 Concert Class (three contrasting selections)
Class: JUNIOR - Ages 10 - 12
PS-201 Grade 1 (one selection)
PS-202 Grade 2 (one selection)
PS-203 Grade 3 (one selection)
PS-204 Grade 4 (one selection)
PS-205 Performer’s Choice (any selection that does not fit above categories)
PS-206 Recital Class (two contrasting selections)
PS-207 Concert Class (three contrasting selections)
Class: INTERMEDIATE - Ages 13 & 14
PS-301 Grade 5
PS-302 Grade 6
PS-303 Grade 7
PS-304 Grade 8 or higher
PS-305 Performer’s Choice (any selection that does not fit above categories)
PR-306 Recital Class (two contrasting selections)
PC-307 Concert Class (three contrasting selections)
Class: SENIOR - Ages 15 - 19
PS-401 Grade 8
PS-402 Grade 9
PS-403 Grade 10
PS-404 ARCT and higher
PS-405 Performer’s Choice (any selection that does not fit above categories)
PR-406 Recital Class (two contrasting selections)
PC-407 Concert Class (three contrasting selections)
Class: ADULT - Ages 20 and above
PS-501 Grade 8
PS-502 Grade 9
PS-503 Grade 10
PS-504 ARCT and higher
PS-505 Performer’s Choice (any selection that does not fit above categories)
PR-506 Recital Class (two contrasting selections)
PC-507 Concert Class (three contrasting selections)
Piano Ensemble
Two or more adjudicated piano performers.
This fee is NOT per person. It is the fee for one selection.
Ensembles must enter the class corresponding to the age of the oldest performer in the group.
Each piece should be entered (and paid for) separately, but use this class as often as you wish.
(For a student with an un-adjudicated adult playing, choose Piano Ensemble with Adult Accompaniment)
Ensemble Class Codes
PE-601 Primary: Ages 9 & under
PE-602 Junior: Ages 10 - 12
PE-603 Intermediate: Ages 13 & 14
PE-604 Senior: Ages 15 - 19
PE-605 Adult: 20 and over
Piano Ensemble - student accompanied by adult
This fee is NOT per person. It is the fee for one selection.
One or more piano performers who are adjudicated. The performer(s) are accompanied by an adult who is not adjudicated.
Each piece should be entered (and paid for) separately, but use this class as often as you wish. Choose the class according to the age of the oldest student participant.
Ensemble Class Codes: Accompanied by Adult (non-adjudicated performer)
Class PEA-601 Primary: Ages 9 & under
PEA-602 Junior: Ages 10 - 12
PEA-603 Intermediate: Ages 13 & 14
PEA-604 Senior: Ages 15 - 19
PEA-605 Adult: 20 and over
Piano Own Composition - Performed by 1 to 4 persons
This fee is NOT per person. It is the fee for one selection
Copy of music must be handed to the Festival Assistant for the Adjudicator at the beginning of the week. The Composition may be for any combination of instruments. The composer or other person or persons may perform it.
The adjudication will be made on the basis of composition and overall performance. Time limit of 10 minutes.
Own Composition Class Codes
Class PZ-701 Primary: Ages 9 & under
PZ-702 Junior: Ages 10 - 12
PZ-703 Intermediate: Ages 13 & 14
PZ-704 Senior: Ages 15 - 19
PZ-705 Adult: 20 and over